We’ve always talked about getting a box truck, van or trailer and finishing it as a camper.  We love camping, hiking, skiing, canoeing/kayaking – so doing something like this would make travel so much easier.  Plus we think nothing of ripping out a bathroom, kitchen or laundry room and renovating it top to bottom.  Why an ambulance?  They’re made tough, have a ton of storage already built in and come on – how cool would it be to have an ambulance?  This is the story of how we found our Wee Woo.

While driving to Lowes Home Improvement Center we passed an ambulance for sale. 

Sean: “Wow, that’s really cool.  I wonder if it’s 4WD.”

MB: “Let’s stop by on our way back”

1 hour later…

Sean: “It’s 4WD – this is so cool!”

MB: “Let’s take pictures so you can call”

2 weeks later…

MB: “Did you ever call on the ambulance?”

Sean: “No.”

MB: “Are you going to?”

After an hour or two of research, Sean called.

We set up an appointment.

But someone from Ohio was ahead of us.

Ohio didn’t want it.  We were the proud owners of the Bittinger Volunteer Company’s decommissioned ambulance.

A huge thank you to Will and Sharon at Garrett Automotive Service for taking such wonderful care of our investment!